SPNS- Redefining luxury, at affordable prices!
The brand has been in the sofa manufacturing business since 2002 and has undoubtedly made a strong position while setting a benchmark. The quality of products used, the customizations, the fabrics, the tailor-made sofas, and meticulous work put in the intricate details make the sofas by SPNS a perfect fit for residential and commercial spaces.
Creative Splash has been delighted to curate content for such a brand. SPNS had a catalogue full of beautiful sofas. We assured them that we will animate the inanimate, and bring alive their ideas for the sofas that fill lives! All that was needed was a great storyline, without too much chaos.
Let’s take a look at how that went-
The Challenge-
SPNS is an ‘only sofas’ manufacturing house. Unlike other furniture stores that produce the entire decor set, SPNS has kept its hands and mottos glued to making the finest sofas, without any compromise. How to create content that doesn’t make ‘only sofas’ look like a limit or a barrier? How to make videos that would stand out from the rest of the industry?
The Provision-
Storytelling! Could there be a better way to connect with the audience than telling a story? That’s what most of them already do. We added some zest to the daily dish and guess what? We got the Sofa narrating the story of its life!
The scripting began and we started to weave the words in the same way SPNS weaved their fabrics- with elegance! A heartfelt script was penned and we introduced ‘A Day in Life of a Sofa’. In this script, the sofa was the hero and the rest of the elements (that also represented us, the humans) revolved around it. The sofa decorated the scenario, just like it decorates life. It witnessed us waking up, going off to work, and it comforted us after a long day. From dusk to dawn, it watched us grow, live and celebrate life and unknowingly became a part of the family.
For all this to happen, an elaborative storyboard was constructed beforehand. As we said, the sofa stayed constant and rest, they were variables. Colours were yet to be filled in our lines and we got to a conclusion. SPNS placed orange eminently in their brand colours. And hence, we decided to find its contrasting friend and obviously, we met a fresh colour near green! Split Complementary colours were the way to go! The aesthetic colours also adjusted well to different shades of light as the day progressed and managed to live up to the richness of SPNS sofas.






While writing the script, we visualised a beautiful 3D scene and got the client on board with this idea. After deciding on a 3D style of animation, a very detailed and well-worked project had to be created in order to deliver photo-realistic renders. We started off with an empty room and placed a sofa in it. The window, shutter, and sofa colour were finalized. Now, we studied the room and placed a lamp, table, some frames, and other elements to enhance the room. Extra attention was diverted to the fact that everything should complement the sofa and not look disconnected.
After setting the room, the magic of 3D was plotted. Simulation walked in the scene and added the ‘wooow’ element to the frames. For example- at the start itself, the cloth familiarized itself with the shape of the sofa and then, fell smoothly on it. Following the rules of simulation, the cloth and many other elements were filling the frame.
Next up for the runway was lighting. Lighting played a major role in this video. It helped fill the void of human presence by giving elements the power to shine (quite literally). The tones of light changed in coordination with the day. The morning saw a warm light with VFX adding particles and a misty look to it, while the noon napped with shutters closed, throwing a white yet dark light. The evening dimmed the room while the lamp made happiness visible again. The lighting did justice to the script and emotions of the day- from sofas’ POV. The highlights and shadows changed their direction with the lights and made it a pleasant experience for the viewers.
The Outcome-
A beautiful heart-touching video! SPNS used ‘A Day in Life of a Sofa’ for various social media campaigns that made the crowd indulge in the emotions that they went through every day. This acted as a catalyst in increasing the brand value, ultimately increasing sales. It was a unique idea that wouldn’t cross the minds on a regular day but it was bought in reality by Creative Splash. The storytelling done by the sofa expressed joy, enthusiasm, and all things that happen within the humble homes.
To sum it up, ‘A Day in Life of a Sofa’ turned out to be a great way to reach the audiences, tapping the potential customers and generating interest and curiosity!